Submit a Prayer Request

Are you facing a challenge right now? If so, We are here for you. We are here to enfold you in loving, faith-filled prayer. You have our commitment to serve you with sensitivity, compassion, and complete confidentiality. You may submit a prayer request online now or contact Rev. Kezlon Semanda and he will pray with you.

Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request is kept secret and confidential. Every request sent to our Reverend receives loving, compassionate attention. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone.

Oyagala okwogerako n'omwawulewo ? Would you like to speak with the Priest ?

The Very Rev. Canon Kezlon S. Kiwanuka.

Essimu: 17816098344


Office:   Office hours: Wednesday 10:00am - 3:00pm

Sunday: Sunday Service 12:30pm - 2:00pm.

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